
Accommodation Cost per Person/ 4 nights- Hotel Oasis Hamaca*
Arrival June 23, 2009 Departure June 27, 2009

Single Room: US$500.00
Double Room: US$400

* All inclusive (breakfast, lunch, dinner, hotel tax, drinks, 24hr snack bar,
beach, pool, art show, etc.)

Registration Cost per Person**

Register before April 1, 2009
Register between April 2 and May 1
Register between May 2 and June 1, 2009

** Includes briefcase, materials, summary report, agenda, participant certification,
excursions, refreshments, entrance to: educational conferences, technical conferences,
beekeeping exhibition, future planning, transportation to and from airport.

On line Register: Register

Centro para el Desarrollo Agropecuario y Forestal, Inc - CEDAF
José Amado Soler #50
Ensanche Paraíso, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Tel: 809-565-5603 ext 246 - 252
Fax: 809-544-4727